My focus in life has always been about being able to provide for my family by creating products and services that people want to purchase. We have taught our kids that with hard work and a good idea you can make your own path and be successful. I also know our two sons and their wives will teach those same values to our five grandchildren.

As many of you know, I am running for Ohio State Representative for the 57th district. It’s a decision that I did not enter into lightly. I am not a politician and in a few short years I could retire and spend more time with my family. This would be my easy path, and no one would think any less of me for that decision, except me.

I have been blessed with a good life. I came out of high school at a time when the Vietnam War was ending, so serving in the armed forces was not necessary. Yet, I remember my dad’s stories about the hell of war and what he went through in World War II. My father is a Purple Heart veteran as a result of a mortar attack. He took shrapnel to his legs and hip and saw his fellow soldier die in the attack. He always said he was glad his sons didn’t have to experience war. To those that have served and continue to serve, thank you for your service. To those that gave the ultimate sacrifice, I pray for you and your families.

Service for most of us may never be to the level of military service, but we all need to serve in some way. Through our service we honor our military for their sacrifices and we show them through our actions that their lives matter. My family has served our country by being farmers and business owners as we share the same American values as our soldiers who have fought and died in order to make our communities a better place to raise our families.

This is why I am choosing to run to serve a community, state and country that I love. This position will allow me to give back to my country by sacrificing my time and efforts

to make this country the best place in the world. I do this for my children, my grandchildren and yours.

Here is where I need your help:

  • Your prayers – If I win or lose the decision is in God’s hands.
  • Your support – Talk to your family and friends about our campaign. If you think we will make a positive difference in Ohio, let others know.
  • Your time – I will need help going door to door, putting out yard signs and the multitude of other task needed to get the word out.
  • Your Contributions – I cannot accomplish this goal on my own and it’s a humbling experience to have to ask. However if I am going to make a difference, I need your financial support.

In conclusion, I am a conservative first, a Republican second.  For the last six years many of you have heard me speak at our conservative educational group, “If You Believe”. We all have a responsibility to make America great again. We should not divide ourselves into a county of Democrats and Republicans. That is not who we are, we are the United States of America and we are all Americans first.

With your help we can achieve these goals: To lower energy costs, lower taxes and reform the CAUV tax, to remove common core and create health care transparency.

For our families, our state and our country, God Bless!

Your candidate for the 57th District of the Ohio House of Representatives,

Dick Stein